“Wonderland: the Digital and the Cosmopolitan at the Borderlands in ‘Monsters'”

Soccer and monsters
by Celestino Deleyto

Excerpt: “Sitting atop of the Mayan temple, Andrew and Sam marvel at their surroundings – the magic space that has transformed them. Metacinematically, they also marvel at the presence of the weightless digital in the midst of the solid real, or at the seamless space that has been created through compositing. They may wonder at the fact that CGI has become such an important ingredient of our everyday lives that the separation between real and digital is quickly becoming irrelevant and impossible to recognize. We initially think that it is the pyramid that is like the seventh wonder; then it becomes the border wall; but an understanding of the logic of compositing suggests that there is no break but continuity between the two objects: it is a composited and otherwise mediated space that, in the digital era, is like the seventh wonder.” Read full article here